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Decking, fences, posts, machined rounded posts, chestnut paling, urban and lanscaping layout products, planking for footbridges, pillars, verges or dune protection... we have in France all naturally sustainable timber to comply with each kind of usage. Sweet chestnut and Robinia, which have been used since many years by generations of farmers, don't need any treatment to withstand fungal or bugs attacks. For your plankings and ground retaining, French Oak will be serving your creativity perfectly, without any chemical treatment.
At least, because we mean that chemical products have nothing to do in our gardens, we offer a range of garden funitures (repot table, vegetable beds, logs shed...in oak or robinia, naturally sustainable, without treatment.
DISCOVER OUT ACHIEVEMENTSDecorative panels for park & ornamental garden Rennes (35)
Urban hard landscaping - Robinia Paris (75)
Oak lock gate Saint-Germain sur Ille (35)
Decking and Planking in Robinia Fontainebleau (77)
Outdoor layout in local hardwoods La Couarde-sur-Mer (17)